December 12, 2005 – 7:30 P.M. – TOWN HALL, 4017 HWY JJ

(1) call to order and certification of notice posting (2) approval of agenda (3) chairman’s report and correspondence (4) citizen input (5) approval of minutes (6) treasurer’s report (7) clerk’s report (8) payment of bills (9) consideration of Plan Commission recommendation regarding the land use application filed by the Esther D. Zarndt Estate, James V. Zarndt, Personal Representative, requesting a zoning change from A1-Ex to RH-3 on four parcels of land located in Sections 25 and 36 along with residential building site approvals and approval of driveway construction permits (10) consideration of citizen referendum request for Spring 2006 election regarding US troops in Iraq (11) discussion of Chapter 166, Wisconsin Statutes, regarding Emergency Management and consideration of adoption of NIMS resolution (12) committee reports (13) discussion of agenda items for January meeting (14) adjournment

Posted December 5, 2005 Marc Robertson, Clerk