JULY 12,2004

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Steven Frame. The Clerk certified the meeting notice had been posted at the Black Earth State Bank, Amcore Bank in Mt. Horeb, on the town web site and on the front door of the Town Hall; also published in the News Sickle-Arrow and Mt. Horeb Mail newspapers.

Present: Chairman, Steven Frame; Supervisors, David Dybdahl, Barbara Grenlie, Bill Hanson, Mark Sherven; Clerk Marian Swoboda and Treasurer Sarah Danz.


Motion was made by David Dybdahl seconded by Bill Hanson and carried to approve the minutes of the June 14, 2004 meeting.


A lengthy discussion on bicycle racing particularly in the Town of Vermont followed. The discussion was prompted by citizen input at the June board meeting on safety issues of racing on narrow, steep roads and around blind curves often found in the Town. Elected officials from the Village and Town of Black Earth and Town of Berry attending the meeting also registered concern over racing in and through their municipalities. Dane County Sheriff representatives, bicycle racers and racing advocates were also present often offering suggestions on how safety could be improved: increasing traffic control measures, rider education on safety regulations and laws, improved communication between riders, citizens and government. Others suggested easy identification of riders either by licensing or a numbering system so that violators of traffic laws, etc., could be identified. Before moving on to the next agenda item it was agreed that the discussion would be carried on by a small representative group at a later date.


The clerk reported that Tom Starr, the race director of the Blue Mounds Classic bicycle race held May 29 under sponsorship of the Atkins Citizen Racing Club had request by telephone the return of the refundable $200.00 deposit made under terms of the town's permit application. Having meet the terms of the agreement,

Motion was made by Mark Sherven seconded by Bill Hanson and carried that the deposit be returned.


Treasurer Sarah Danz reported that the financial accounts ending June 30, 2004 had been reconciled showing a cash balance of $54,918.55: $25,228.11 in the investment account, $25,706.40 in the savings account and $3,984.04 in the checking account.

Deposits for the month totaled $99,185.71 of which $90,000.00 was the loan from the Black Earth State Bank for the purchase of the new town truck, $4,909.00 building permits, $2,890.85 state insurance fire dues, $275.00 bike race permits, $250.00 assessment searches, $798.39 managed forest land payments and 62.47 interest on accounts.


The balance sheet prepared by the clerk showed total cash assets of $54,918.55 as of June 30, 2004, the same as reported by the treasurer. The income & expense report for the first six months of year was very close to budget projections.

The clerk presented a projection of income and expenses for the last six months of the year, July 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004. Projected income totaling $159,529.21 included $54,918.55 on hand, July tax credit $48,598.40, shared revenue $15,900.00, transportation aid $36,262.26, land use permits $1,200.00, interest on accounts $800.00, assessment searches $600.00 and county culvert aid $1,250.00. Projected expenses totaling $148,607.01 included $12,713.90 in revenue reapportionments, $1,473.00 in town hall expenses,$106,754.11 highway, general government $26,066.00 and other $1,600.00 leaving a projected 2005 carry over of $10,922.20.


A list of the bills along with copies of the invoices paid during the month of June was presented by the clerk following which,

Motion was made by David Dybdahl seconded by Barbara Grenlie to approve the payment of the bills covered by checks numbered 10095 through 10136 for a total of $91,982.09.


The clerk reported that while no further word had been received from the state elections board as to when voter registration would commence, notice had been received from the county clerk's office indicating the annual fee for maintaining the records, including the initial entry, additions and subtractions would be 25 cents per eligible voter based upon 77.9% of the current estimated population. Using this formula, the town's cost would be $165.00 per year. The contract term would be for three years.


The clerk reported the price per gallon for prepaid purchase of propane from Premier Cooperative for the 2004-2005 heating season increased from .9590 cents per gallon to $1.039. Also while 3000 gallons were contracted last year, the town used only 2,596. With this saving the clerk recommended contracting for only 2500 gallons this year costing $2,598.00 compared to the$3,117 paid last year.

Motion was made by Mark Sherven seconded by David Dybdahl and carried to approve the 2004-2005 contract with Premier Cooperative for the purchase of 2500 gallons of propone at a cost of $2,598.00 and further because the contract was due on June 30 to authorize the clerk to make immediate payment.


Having received an operator license permit application to serve fermented malt beverages and intoxicating liquors from Josh Eisele and having publicly published the application request in the notice of this meeting as legally required,

Motion was made by David Dybdahl seconded by Bill Hanson and carried to approve the application.


The board considered a recommendation from the Plan Commission to approve participation in the "Smart Growth" multi-jurisdictional grant application presented at the joint meeting of the board and plan commission on June 14 and later at the June 28 commission meeting and in so doing discovered a discrepancy between the wording of the contract and what was presented at those meetings. As a result the following action was taken,

Motion was made by Mark Sherven seconded by Barbara Grenlie and carried to deny the signing of the contract as written.


In an effort to keep land use fee income in line with associated expenses,

Motion was made by Bill Hanson seconded by David Dybdahl and carried to approve the recommendation from the Plan Commission to increase the first site visit fee from $325.00 to $350.00; the second site visit fee (same application) from $160.00 to $210.00 and to add a new category "special meeting" (called at the request of a single applicant) with an established fee of $325.00.


(Steve Frame) The Mt. Horeb fire district is working on funding for the purchase of the old fire station on Main Street to house student interns from MATC. (Dave Haugen) The box has been installed on the new town truck and the installation of the hydraulics is underway. The new culverts have yet to be installed on the town roads and the seal coating is behind schedule due to the spring and early summer rain fall. Patching was also delayed but has now been completed. (Bill Hanson) The Black Earth Fire District is discussing pension benefits for fire fighters which would be matched by the state up to $267.00 a year per person in an effort to increase retention. Needed maintenance on the fire station is also under consideration. (David Dybdahl) EMS is 50 calls ahead of last year at this time generating an additional 25% more in fees. The pay for week day workers will be increased to $7:00/shift and for weekend workers to $15.00.


Motion was made by Bill Hanson seconded by Mark Sherven and carried that the meeting be adjourned.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 pm.

Marian Swoboda, Town Clerk