October 10, 2005

Call to order and certification of notice posting. The clerk certified that the notice had been posted at the Black Earth State Bank, at John Bird Accounting in Black Earth, Amcore Bank in Mt. Horeb, on the town web site www.townofvermont.com, and on the front door of the town hall. It was also published in the News Sickle-Arrow and the Mt. Horeb Mail.


Present: Chairman, Steven Cowan; Supervisors, Barbara Grenlie, Bill Hanson, David Dybdahl and Mark Sherven; Clerk Marc Robertson and Treasurer Sarah Danz.


A motion to approve the agenda was made by Barbara Grenlie, seconded by Bill Hanson and approved.


Steve Cowan noted that it would be a good precedent to have official mail to the chairperson delivered to the Town Hall rather than a private residence.

The chairman suggested that the Board may be delegating work to the Planning Commission that is properly the responsibility of the Board. A special effort should be made to give Board members access to documentation relative to Bell Road prior to the next Board meeting. Discussion of the relative responsibilities of the Board and the Planning Commission followed.

Dee Suchomel, Executive Director of Northwest Dane Senior Services, Inc. made a presentation concerning the services offered by their organization. She noted that towns can choose among several specific services which they would like their financial contributions to support, though historically most towns have let the organization set priorities. Dee was accompanied by Todd Pfeil, an attorney representing the organization, who discussed legal actions in which the organization is presently involved.


Two citizens raised concerns about the assessment process and the thoroughness of the effort being made by the current assessor in the reassessment process.




Mark Sherven moved that the minutes from the September Board meeting be approved, Barbara Grenlie seconded, and the minutes were approved.


Deposits for the month of September were $1,262.95. Treasurer and clerk reconciliation showed that accounts were in balance, with the sum of all Town accounts showing $70,702.28.

A motion was made by Dave Dybdahl and seconded by Barbara Grenlie to accept the Treasurer’s report, and the motion was approved.


The September balance sheet showed total liabilities & equity at the end of the month of $70,702.28. The $5,000 bill for crack filling on Blue Mounds Trail was paid this month. All other checks written were for routine monthly and quarterly expenses. Open book is this coming Wednesday from 2:00 until 6:00.

A motion was made by Barbara Grenlie and seconded by Dave Dybdahl to accept the Clerk’s report, and the motion was approved.


Approval is sought for payment of bills for September 2005 paid by checks numbered 10642 through 10686. Check 10642 for $1020 was written early in the month in order to receive a diesel fuel discount.

Motion was made by Barbara Grenlie and seconded by Mark Sherven to approve payment of bills for September.


It is expected that our Workman’s Compensation premium will remain at approximately $2,100 for 2006. An explanation of current Town insurance coverage followed, and it is expected that future coverage will remain largely the same, with some increases to reflect property and building cost appreciation. The premium for maintaining similar coverage will be approximately $140 more for 2006 than 2005.

Further discussion revolved around the merits of increasing general liability coverage versus increasing vehicle liability coverage. It was concluded that increasing vehicle liability coverage to $3 million, with an increased premium of approximately $170, is the most cost-effective option. Mark Sherven moved to authorize that increase in coverage, Barbara Grenlie seconded, and the motion passed.


An ordinance was introduced to appoint Jon Urness, Jackie Berge, Donald Parrell and Virginia Urness as alternate Board of Review Members for 2005. Bill Hanson moved approval, Dave Dybdahl seconded and the ordinance was approved.


There was further discussion of diesel fuel tank upgrading, and the extent to which the issue has been addressed in the past. Since money has not been set aside in a segregated account for the upgrade in the past, it was concluded that no purpose is served by revisiting past actions.

The proposed Mount Horeb Fire District budget was presented. It was noted that the primary budget increase will be due to the hiring of a full time fire chief / administrator with a salary and benefits package of approximately $71,750. Additionally there will be an expanded cadet program that assists the district in meeting daytime staffing requirements. A budget meeting of the Mount Horeb Fire District is upcoming, and Mark Sherven requested that the Board authorize him to attend the meeting a cast the Town’s one vote. Barbara Grenlie moved that he be so authorized, Dave Dybdahl seconded and the motion passed.

Dave Dybdahl indicated that the Town’s portion of District One EMS budget for 2006 will only be $39 greater than 2005.

Bill Hanson indicated that the Black Earth Fire District will be purchasing a new tanker truck, with the chassis scheduled for delivery in 2006 for $106,110. The town’s share will be $20,691.45. The eventual total cost will be approximately $360,000. Steve Cowan will attend an October 13th meeting where the truck purchase and financing alternatives will be discussed. Since the Mount Horeb Fire District maintains a fund for new equipment purchases whereas Black Earth does not, each town served by the Black Earth District will be responsible for financing a share of the new truck. Sarah Danz noted the potential inequity of having all citizens of the Town pay for the new truck, regardless of whether they are served by the Mount Horeb or Black Earth Fire District; possible solutions to this will be explored.

Barbara Grenlie noted that the Planning Commission will need additional funding for 2006 to reflect a greater workload and a greater number of meetings, along with the requirement of adopting a comprehensive plan. Ordinance revisions will require attorney review, with an anticipated expenditure of $5,500.

The impact of the state levy limit on these expenditures was discussed, along with the desirability of setting up both a sinking fund for future capital expenditures and a contingency fund for unanticipated expenses.

A working budget meeting is to be scheduled for October 24th.


Dave Dybdahl noted that though the budget for District One EMS is increasing somewhat due partially to increased stipends to personnel, services charges are also being increased to minimize the impact on the tax levy.

With respect to roads, Mark Sherven noted that the new Zwettler Road culvert has been installed. Progress has been made on an HES grant proposal for new guardrails on a box culvert on Bohn Road. The culvert work on Kelliher Road has been publicly noticed, and work will commence later in the fall. Bids are being obtained for repair to and refinishing of the newer salt shed. Replenishment of the sand and salt supply for winter is almost complete.


Bill Hanson noted that ordinance revisions should remain on the agenda into the future.


A motion was made by Mark Sherven and seconded by Barbara Grenlie that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45.


Marc Robertson, Town Clerk