February 13, 2006

Call to order and certification of notice posting. The clerk certified that the notice had been posted at the Black Earth State Bank, at John Bird Accounting in Black Earth, Amcore Bank in Mt. Horeb, on the town web site www.townofvermont.com, and on the front door of the town hall. It was also published in the News Sickle-Arrow and the Mt. Horeb Mail.

Present: Chairman, Steven Cowan; Supervisors, Barbara Grenlie, Bill Hanson, David Dybdahl and Mark Sherven; Clerk Marc Robertson and Treasurer Sarah Danz.


A motion to approve the agenda was made by Barbara Grenlie and seconded by Mark Sherven with the provision that agenda item (11) 2006 assessment maintenance, be considered before discussion of item (10) discussion of recovery of unlawful taxes. The agenda was approved with this change.


In addition to notices of upcoming meetings of interest to Board members, a report has been received from Mt. Horeb Fire Department Chief Chuck Himsel concerning the summer cadet program, and the need for employment opportunities within the community which will allow the cadets to be close to the fire house.

Notice has been received concerning the Dane County "Better Urban Infill Development Program". While the program is aimed primarily at more urbanized environments, one section pertains to the avoidance of developing productive farmland on the urban fringe.

It was noted that two bicycle events have already been scheduled for the upcoming summer, the Horribly Hilly Hundreds on Saturday, June 17th and the Blue Mounds Classic on Saturday, July 15th. Another is likely to be scheduled near the end of August.


Brian Haroldson spoke concerning a letter sent to the county by the Planning Commission chair regarding Town land use policy. Subsequent Board discussion affirmed that the letter did not signify any change in Town land use policy or procedures.

Warren Gaskill expressed interest in receiving the results of the survey of Town residents conducted last fall by the Survey Research Center at the University of Wisconsin - River Falls.

A citizen request was received regarding clarification of the calculation of Potential Development Rights with respect to their property. It was determined that the discussion would best be handled at a scheduled Planning Commission meeting.


There were three Board meetings in January. Mark Sherven moved that the minutes from the January 9th meeting be approved, Bill Hanson seconded, and the minutes were approved. Barbara Grenlie moved that the minutes from the January 16th meeting be approved, Dave Dybdahl seconded, and the minutes were approved. Barbara Grenlie moved that the minutes from the January 30th meeting be approved, Mark Sherven seconded, and the minutes were approved with the correction that the chairman, Steve Cowan, was not present at that meeting.


Deposits for the month of December were $692,491.92. The largest component was $670,352.09 in property tax collections. Also included were $422.17 in property tax overpayments from escrow accounts, which are being reimbursed. We also received a $536 refund from a recent property and liability insurance payment, since it appears that the original premium amount was over-estimated by the insurance company. The interest payment of $1,129.36 was particularly large because of the property tax payments that were held in the Town’s account during the month of January. We also received a Transportation Aid payment of $18,498.97. Treasurer and clerk reconciliation showed that accounts were in balance, with the sum of all Town accounts showing $450,092.49.

A motion was made by Dave Dybdahl and seconded by Barbara Grenlie to accept the Treasurer’s report, and the motion was approved.


The January balance sheet showed total liabilities & equity at the end of the month of $450,092.49. The checks of note were for items that come under the category of pass through expenses to Dane County, the two school districts and MATC. Additionally we made our first 2006 payments to the fire and EMS districts. A check for $1,000 was to the US Geological Survey for our contribution to the Black Earth Creek Watershed survey and a check for $1,685.48 to Krantz Electric for repairs to the Town electrical service. All other checks written were for routine monthly expenses.

We have received preliminary paperwork for the Horribly Hilly Hundreds bicycle event planned for June 17th and the Blue Mounds Classic planned for July 15th.

The Vermont Lutheran Church is planning to install two signs along State Highway 78 to provide directions to the church. The State requested confirmation that the signs would not be in conflict with any Town ordinance, which we provided.

A motion was made by Mark Sherven and seconded by Dave Dybdahl to accept the Clerk’s report, and the motion was approved.


Approval is sought for payment of bills for January, 2006 and 2 bills for February 2006 paid by checks numbered 10796 through 10831 (with checks 10791 through 10795 approved at the January meeting).

Motion was made by Mark Sherven and seconded by Barbara Grenlie to approve payment of bills for January and the motion was approved.


Communication with the Dane County Clerk’s Office and the State Elections Board has indicated that referendum wording regarding the withdrawal of troops from Iraq requires a "yes" or "no" vote, rather than the "agree" or "disagree" as initially proposed. Additionally, the Dane County Clerk suggested that the referendum call for adoption of the resolution by the Vermont Town Board. Steve Cowan moved that the first sentence of the resolution read "Should the following resolution be adopted by the Town of Vermont", the purpose being to make it clear that the resolution is being adopted by the citizens of the Town, not the Board. The motion was seconded by Barbara Grenlie and approved.


Mark Sherven moved that a contract in the amount of $7,200 be signed immediately with Equity Appraisal for 2006 assessment maintenance. A representative from Equity Appraisal, Steve Mahlik, made a presentation and remained to address citizen questions regarding their assessments. Bill Hanson seconded the motion, and it was approved.


Peter Waltz, attorney for the owners of a parcel who have filed a claim with the Town for the recovery of unlawful taxes, spoke regarding the basis for their complaint. It was concluded that this claim and any others should be referred to Equity Appraisal for review, with possible further referral to the Town attorney. Information regarding a claim by Tom Schulenberg was also presented to the representative from Equity Appraisal.


The Mt. Horeb Fire Dept. Cadet program was discussed as part of the chairman’s report, there were no other committee reports.


No items were suggested for the March Board meeting.


A motion was made by Dave Dybdahl and seconded by Bill Hanson that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:37.


Marc Robertson, Town Clerk