May 23, 2006

Call to order and certification of notice posting. The clerk certified that the notice had been posted at the Black Earth State Bank, at John Bird Accounting in Black Earth, Amcore Bank in Mt. Horeb, on the town web site www.townofvermont.com, and on the front door of the town hall. It was also published in the News Sickle-Arrow and the Mt. Horeb Mail.

Present: Chairman Steve Cowan; Supervisors, Barbara Grenlie, Bill Hanson, Don McKay and Mark Sherven; Clerk Marc Robertson.

Also present in their capacity as members of the Road Committee were Dave Haugen and John Bird.


One bid has been received for the Pleasant Valley overlay project. The bid is for a total of $86,481 from Payne and Dolan. Included in the total are $1,150 for milling of the existing surface at intersections to provide for a pavement butt joint, $875 for a tack coat, and $84,456 for 1,840 tons of asphaltic concrete pavement. The bid assumes that sections of the road can be closed for a 4 hour period to allow for full-width paving.

The amount budgeted was $73,930. The Road Committee recommended approval of the bid based on the need for the work to be done, availability of unanticipated revenue from a Managed Forest Land withdrawal, and the expectation that future bids are unlikely to be lower. Greg Peterson of the Dane County Highway and Transportation Department has indicated the bid is in line with other bids received by the county.

Reservations were expressed about the need for the milling at intersections. Brian Wallace of Payne and Dolan provided an explanation of the options at intersections, which include feathering the joints with no milling required. Dave Haugen recommended the elimination of the milling from the contract based on our success with feathering road ends in the past, though Barbara Grenlie questioned whether the relatively small savings was justified on a project this large.

Mark Sherven moved to approve the bid less the milling, Don McKay seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.


A motion was made by Barbara Grenlie and seconded by Bill Hanson that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 5:52.


Marc Robertson, Town Clerk